
Bernard-Marie Koltès

September 22 & 23, 8 P.M.
Frick Chemistry Building / Atrium
Duration: 75 minutes

Tickets are FREE but reservations are required — click here to RSVP.

In an undefined and timeless place, a dealer and a client meet. The two protagonists assess one another before launching into a quarrel of words, full of poetry. Roland Auzet stages and sets to music this famous play by Bernard-Marie Koltès in an all-new version, with a twist: each spectator will participate using a set of headphones. Auzet has conceived a musical dramaturgy, or music scenography, for this new version, and introduces us to veteran stage actress Anne Alvaro alongside Audrey Bonnet who returns to the festival for the third time. The play was a resounding success last winter at Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, cheered by critics and audiences alike.




A short video on the play at the Bouffes du Nord

Interview with Roland Auzet via


Music and direction: Roland Auzet
Music scenography: La Muse en Circuit, Centre national de création musicale
Performed by Anne Alvaro and Audrey Bonnet
Artistic collaboration: Thierry Thieû Niang and Wilfried Wendling
Costume design: Nathalie Prats
Production stage manager: Jean-Marc Beau
Sound technician: Thomas Migraine
Digital music by Thomas Migraine and Augustin Muller
Production: La Muse en circuit, Centre national de création musicale
Coproduction: Act-Opus-Compagnie Roland Auzet, Céléstins, Théâtre de Lyon, C.I.C.T / Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord


Notes on Music Scenography

Since 2007, La Muse en Circuit, centre national de création musicale has been developing headphone concerts.

Conceived as an extension of what German-speaking people call “Hörpsiel”, literally “play for the ear”, headphone concerts combine radio art and intimate sound theatre thanks to an extremely accurate listening and musical dramaturgy constantly renewed by electronic sound synthesis and processing.

Voice has always been a key element of headphone concerts. Whether it is words, songs or just breathing; it has been sung, spoken or recorded. Throughout the different productions, words have been poems, biographies and novels…

It was very natural that composer and stage director Roland Auzet’s project for Bernard Marie Koltès’ text crosses path with La Muse en Circuit led by Wilfried Wendling. This musical scenography was born from a common will to explore and link the exceptional richness of a sensitive and careful listening, from the microphones’ recording to the infinite imagination fed by electronic music.

Maps & Directions

The Atrium is located on the main floor of Frick Chemistry Lab on the University campus. View on Google Maps

The closest free visitor parking is available in Lot 21. View Visitor Parking Map

Presented By

  • Lewis Center for the Arts
  • Council of the Humanities
  • Cultural Services of the French Embassy
  • Institut Français
  • Department of French and Italian
  • L’Avant-Scène
  • Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
