
Angelica Qin

Angelica Qin headshot

Photo courtesy Angelica Qin


Hi! My name is Angelica (she/her/hers) and I’m excited to be a Lewis Center Student Advisor this year! I’m a Sociology major, and I’m super passionate about racial equity and advocacy, especially as it relates to Asian Americans.

In the theatrical realm, I mostly do stage management, production management, and lighting design, and I hope to get more involved with sound/set design in the future! I am involved with Theatre Intime, East West Theater, and All-Nighter, as well as being a theater certificate student in the LCA.

My public high school’s theater program was alright, but we had limited funding, and I didn’t really have too many opportunities to design or stage manage. I remember feeling so intimidated coming into Princeton, because some of the students around me who were involved with theater had gone to performing arts high schools or been to Edinburgh Fringe or something, and here I was with limited experience (and with no idea what Edinburgh Fringe was). I felt like I had no idea how to design or stage manage, and I was scared to jump in. Plus, I was one of few Asians involved with theater at my high school, and I expected to feel that same isolation at Princeton. Luckily, with the support of the LCA staff and upperclassmen theater makers (esp. Asian Americans), I’ve been able to grow as a designer/stage manager and really come out of my shell. I hope to be that same support for other incoming students this year.


Class of '23

Program in Theater

Residential College
