
Izzy Hilditch

Izzy Hilditch headshot


Hi! My name is Izzy and I am so excited to be one of your peer arts advisors! I'm an international student from England and am a Practice of Visual Art major within the Art and Archeology department pursuing certificates in both Theater and Gender & Sexuality Studies.

Entering Princeton, I knew I wanted to be involved with collaborative art and theater but had little experience from high school. I was aware of the application process that awaited me for VIS, and the fact that productions in the theater program looked so professional! I felt I was on the outside and didn’t have the time to be directly involved with many theater groups because I was on the Varsity Track team. Events were often held between 4:30-7 p.m., which would always be the time I was expected to practice. I was also worried how my friends and family would react to the kind of work I wanted to make, and whether I would be any good at it.

However, I noticed a cross listed VIS/THR course in Lighting Design and my journey with the theater program began! Getting to know faculty — as well as becoming a stage manager for an LCA production — was my way in, and now I light and set design department shows! These experiences hugely influence and enhance my work in VIS, where my work focuses a lot on installation, performance and video. I have a whole group of friends outside of my team with similar interests.

If you feel the department may not have space for you as you have a significant extracurricular/time consuming major, or an identity issue where the arts seem too daunting to enter, I am here for you. Also, if you are interested in getting involved with theater design and VIS, I would love to chat! I am so thankful for the visual arts and theater programs and everything they have done to enhance my experience of Princeton, so please reach out to me! I want to hear about your interests and experiences; it’s what makes Princeton diverse and beautiful.

Speak soon!


Class of '22

Programs in Theater and Visual Art — Practice of Art

Residential College
