
Maddie Wu

Maddie Wu headshot


Hi, friends!! My name is Maddie Wu (she/her/hers), and I’m a third-generation Asian-American woman from a small suburb outside of Detroit, Michigan. I am a senior concentrating in East Asian Studies with a certificate in Music Theater. In terms of my involvement with the Lewis Center for the Arts, I mostly music direct and play in pits in LCA shows, and I have also taken a handful of theater and music theater classes and workshops. And I also help play piano for auditions!

Coming from a small school (~64 students in my graduating class), our Creative & Performing Arts director really encouraged us to explore and try new things, and I am so grateful for him for believing in me and introducing me to theater. The encouragement to try new things is what I also love about the Princeton theater scene. Even though I was mainly a performer before arriving on campus, I quickly began to explore the admin and producing side of theater with the Princeton University Players. Since then, being able to learn about many sides of theater has been really valuable to my overall growth as a theater-maker and as an artist. I have also been introduced to the academic side of the arts, especially the academic side of theater.

One of my favorite things about the Princeton arts scene is the cross-disciplinary nature of it. Regardless of one’s major, we can all gather together in a room and create something beautiful together. I also believe really strongly in supporting people who want to try something new. Fostering a welcoming, inviting, and inclusive environment for all is something that I strive for in every collaboration that I participate in on campus and beyond.

Aside from PUP and the LCA, I am also the conductor for the Princeton Triangle Club, on the Princeton Women’s Club Soccer Team, involved with Trego Singers and Camp Kesem, and I am always looking for ways to combine these interests and disciplines! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions; I love meeting new people and hearing about your story and interests! Also super open to talk about anything, especially sports (I’m a big University of Michigan fan—Go Blue!) and food! Or if you just want to bop to your favorite musical theater soundtrack, I’m always here for it! The Lewis Center for the Arts and the Princeton theater community has really become homes for me at Princeton, and I am so excited to welcome you!


Class of '21

Program in Music Theater

Residential College


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