
Fellowships FAQ

The Lewis Center is committed to fostering an academic environment that acknowledges and encourages diversity and differences. The successful candidate will pursue academic excellence in diverse, multicultural, and inclusive settings.

Page Contents

Please use these helpful short links to navigate to commonly asked questions.

Princeton Arts Fellowship Eligibility
Next Deadline for Princeton Arts Fellowship
Princeton Arts Fellowship Application Steps
Application limits for Princeton Arts Fellowship
Other Princeton Arts Fellowship questions
Princeton Arts Fellowship Details (length, stipend, teaching, etc.)
Steps After Applying for Princeton Arts Fellowship

Hodder Fellowship Eligibility
Next Deadline for Hodder Fellowship
Hodder Fellowship Application Steps
Other Hodder Fellowship Questions
Hodder Fellowship Details (length, stipend, etc.)
Steps After Applying for Hodder Fellowship


Questions or Technical Issues

With more questions that are not answered here, or if you encounter technical issues, please email lca-fellowships@princeton.edu.


Princeton Arts Fellowship

Application Information

Where can I apply for the Princeton Arts Fellowship?

Submit an online application here for the Princeton Arts Fellowship

Who is eligible for the Princeton Arts Fellowship?

The Princeton Arts Fellowship, funded in part by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will be awarded to artists whose achievements have been recognized as demonstrating extraordinary promise in any area of artistic practice and teaching.

Eligible applicants are early career composers, conductors, musicians, choreographers, visual artists, film makers, poets, novelists, playwrights, designers, directors, and performance artists. This list is not exhaustive. Individuals who engage in multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary artistic practices are welcome to apply.

Successful candidates would find it beneficial to spend two years teaching and working in an artistically vibrant university community. The department is committed to fostering an academic environment that acknowledges and encourages diversity and differences.

Non-US citizens are welcome to apply.

There is no age limit to apply.

Those who hold a Ph.D. degree from Princeton University are not eligible. This fellowship cannot be used to fund work leading to an MFA, Ph.D., or any other advanced degree.

Past recipients of the Hodder Fellowship and individuals who have had a sustained and continuous relationship with Princeton University are not eligible to apply. Those who have had an occasional and sporadic relationship with Princeton may apply.

Princeton Arts Fellows may not hold concurrent teaching positions at other institutions for the duration of the fellowship.

What is the next application deadline?

The next application cycle will open on July 1, 2024, with a deadline of September 10, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (ET)

What are the steps in submitting a Princeton Arts Fellowship application?

Please submit the online application and supporting documentation through AHIRE. Supporting documentation:

  1. A curriculum vitae
  2. A 750-word proposal that includes:
    1. How you propose to use the 2 years of the fellowship to develop your work (250 words)
    2. What you might teach, direct, or choreograph with undergraduates as part of your fellowship (250 words)
    3. Two examples of how you have encouraged diversity and inclusion and increased accessibility in your artistic practice, teaching, and/or research (250 words)
      [Find more information below for examples of Diversity and Inclusion in Artistic Practice, Teaching, and/or Research.]
  3. Contact information for 3 references (Please do not ask recommenders to send letters; the search committee will contact relevant recommenders directly, if needed.)
  4. Work samples accompanied by a 150-word statement on how they relate to your proposal
    1. Creative Writing: Prose is limited to 3000 words. Poetry is limited to 20 pages. If both a prose writer and poet, submit up to 2000 words (prose) and up to 10 pages (poetry)
    2. Dance (choreography): 1 to 3 links to complete works with cue points. Links can be rehearsals, research or performances, but must be continuous footage. Do not send trailers, photographs or promotional materials.
    3. Music: 1-2 scores and/or links to examples of performance (10 minutes total)
    4. Theater: 10-15 page writing sample; 15-20 design images (photos or renderings); or video/audio reel with cue points. Professional websites or web archives are welcome.
    5. Visual Arts: Up to 20 still images or up to 10 still images and 5 minutes of video. Video can represent one work or excerpts.

How do I upload my work samples and accompanying 150-word statement?

AHIRE only allows one PDF of up to 10MB to be uploaded.

Please upload your work samples as a single PDF by compiling all images and text in a single PDF. You may also create a single PDF that contains links to the files on any reputable file sharing site, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Provide access passwords if necessary.

How do I determine which program (Creative Writing, Dance, Theater, Music, or Visual Arts) should review my application?

Consider which program would be a good fit for your work and in which program you would like to teach. We understand that many artists’ work is inter- or multi-disciplinary; nonetheless, you can only choose one program to review your application.

Please select the area of interest that best represents your work. All members of the program’s Fellowship committee review all applications regardless of area of interest.

Do my published works have to be in English?

No, published works need not be in English. However, the fellowship application, supporting documentation, and sample works must be in English. Sample works can be submitted in both English and the original language.

Is there a limit to how many times an applicant may apply for the Princeton Arts Fellowship?

Yes. Applicants may apply for the Princeton Arts Fellowship twice in a lifetime.

May I apply to both the Hodder Fellowship and the Princeton Arts Fellowship at the same time?


What’s the difference between the Hodder and the Princeton Arts Fellowship?

The Hodder is a 10-month fellowship of financial support. The Princeton Arts Fellowship is a two-year fellowship that includes teaching one course or leading a project with Princeton students each semester.

Do I need immigration sponsorship for work authorization?

Immigration sponsorship includes visa sponsorship to work in the U.S. Work authorization is required for the Princeton Arts Fellowship, as this is a paid appointment. Princeton-based visa sponsorship and work authorization will be pursued for finalists and Fellows as needed, contingent on the individual’s eligibility.


Princeton Arts Fellowship Details

What is the length of the Princeton Arts Fellowship?

Two consecutive 10-month academic years.

How much is the fellow awarded?

$92,000 a year. Fellows are additionally funded $5,000 (per academic year) for research expenses and $2,000 (per academic year) for classroom expenses.

Is a Princeton Arts Fellow expected to teach?

Yes. The normal work assignment is to teach one course each semester or take on an artistic assignment in lieu of a class, such as directing a play or choreographing a dance with Princeton students. Although the teaching load is light, we expect that Fellows will be full and active members of our community, committed to frequent and engaged interactions with students during the academic year.

Do I need to reside on the Princeton University campus if awarded the Fellowship?

While Arts Fellows need not reside in Princeton, they will be required to spend a significant part of the week on campus.

Do Fellows have access to offices and studios on campus?

Fellows have access to shared spaces on campus for the duration of their fellowship.

Can the Fellowship be used to fund work leading to an MFA or Ph.D. or any other advanced degree?


Can Princeton Arts Fellows work at other institutions while holding this appointment at Princeton?

Princeton Arts Fellows can do one-off events, such as giving lectures, readings, or talks, performing in a show, presenting a film screening, or teaching master classes or workshops. Princeton Arts Fellows cannot teach a semester-long class at another institution while holding this appointment at Princeton.

After Applying

After I apply for the Princeton Arts Fellowship, what are my next steps?

If you are invited to the next stage of the process, you will be contacted in November to schedule an in-person interview. Interviews are expected to take place the week of December 9, 2024. All award decisions will be announced during the academic spring semester.

If I receive a decision indicating that my application has been declined, can I apply again?

Yes. Applicants may only apply for the Princeton Arts Fellowship twice in a lifetime.

Unfortunately, the selection committee is unable to provide any feedback on declined applications.

Examples of Diversity and Inclusion in Artistic Practice, Teaching, and/or Research

As you think about your experiences with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), these questions might guide your thinking (though your examples need not be limited to these questions nor do you have to answer these questions in your response):

  • How have you created or participated in programs that provide access for groups traditionally underrepresented in your artistic field or who have faced barriers entering your field?
  • How have you enhanced students’ learning experiences in the classroom, studio, or rehearsal room by exposing them to new perspectives on cultures, beliefs, or practices?
  • How does your teaching or artwork address barriers to some students’ full participation?
  • How does your artwork, research, scholarship, or other creative activity contribute to understanding the experiences of marginalized groups?
  • In what ways have you offered artistic, learning, or research opportunities for individuals historically excluded on the basis of their background (demographic, socio-economic status, ability, etc.) from your art field?
  • How have you mentored or advised students and/or colleagues to enhance opportunities for underrepresented people to succeed in your art world?
  • In what ways have you committed to public engagement with organizations or community groups that serve marginalized populations or extend opportunity to disadvantaged people?

Examples of Diversity and Inclusion from Princeton’s Campus

Please also review these references:


Hodder Fellowship

Application Information

Where can I apply for the Hodder Fellowship?

Submit an online application here for the Hodder Fellowship

Who is eligible for the Hodder Fellowship?

The Hodder Fellowship will be awarded to writers and non-literary artists of exceptional promise who wish to pursue independent projects with Princeton University during the academic year.

Potential Hodder Fellows are composers, choreographers, performance artists, visual artists, writers, translators or other kinds of artists or humanists who have “much more than ordinary intellectual and literary gifts;” they are selected more “for promise than for performance.” Given the strength of the applicant pool, most successful Fellows have published a first book or have similar achievements in their own fields. The Hodder is designed to provide Fellows with a year of “studious leisure” to undertake significant new work.

Advanced degrees are not required.

Non-US citizens are welcome to apply.

There is no age limit to apply.

This fellowship cannot be used to fund work leading to an MFA, Ph.D. or any other advanced degree.

Previous recipients of the Princeton Arts Fellowship are not eligible to apply.

Hodder Fellows may not hold concurrent teaching positions at other institutions for the duration of the fellowship.

What is the next application deadline?

The next application cycle will open on July 1, 2024, with a deadline of September 10, 2024, at 11:59 P.M. E.T.

What are the steps in submitting a Hodder Fellowship application?

Please submit the online application and supporting documentation through AHIRE. Supporting documentation includes:

  1. A curriculum vitae
  2. 500-word project proposal in which you describe your artistic project and what you plan to do during the fellowship’s 10-month appointment
  3. Work samples accompanied by a 150-word statement on how they relate to your proposal
    1. Creative Writing: Prose is limited to 3000 words. Poetry is limited to 20 pages. If both a prose writer and poet, submit up to 2000 words (prose) and up to 10 pages (poetry)
    2. Dance (choreography): 1 to 3 links to complete works with cue points. Links can be rehearsals, research or performances, but must be continuous footage. Do not send trailers, photographs or promotional materials.
    3. Music: 1-2 scores and/or links to examples of performance (10 minutes total)
    4. Theater: 10–15-page writing sample, 15-20 design images (photos or renderings), or video/audio reel with cue points. Professional websites or web archives are welcome.
    5. Visual Arts: Up to 20 still images or up to 10 still images and 5 minutes of video. Video can represent one work or excerpts.

Note: The Hodder Application requires that you upload contact information for three recommenders. Please fill this section out but note that those recommenders will most likely not be contacted since this is not a requirement for the fellowship application process.

How do I upload my work samples and accompanying 150-word statement?

AHIRE only allows one PDF of up to 10MB to be uploaded.

Please upload your work samples as a single PDF by compiling all images and text in a single PDF. You may also create a single PDF that contains links to the files on any reputable file sharing site, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Provide access passwords if necessary.

How do I determine which program (Creative Writing, Dance, Theater, Music, or Visual Arts) should review my application?

Consider which program would be a good fit for your work. We understand that many artists’ work is inter- or multi-disciplinary; nonetheless, you can only choose one program to review your application.

Please select the area of interest that best represents your work. All members of the program’s Fellowship committee review all applications regardless of area of interest.

Do my published works have to be in English?

No, published works need not be in English. However, the Fellowship application, supporting documentation, and sample works must be in English. Sample works can be submitted in both English and the original language.

Can I apply to both the Hodder Fellowship and the Arts Fellowship at the same time?


What’s the difference between the Hodder and the Princeton Arts Fellowship?

The Hodder Fellowship is a one-year fellowship of financial support. The Princeton Arts Fellowship is a two-year fellowship that includes teaching one course or leading a project each semester.

Do I need immigration sponsorship for work authorization?

Immigration sponsorship includes visa sponsorship to work in the U.S. Work authorization is required for the Hodder Fellowship, as this is a paid appointment. Princeton-based visa sponsorship and work authorization will be pursued for Fellows as needed, contingent on the individual’s eligibility.


Hodder Fellowship Details

What is the length of the Hodder Fellowship?

One 10-month academic year.

How much is the Hodder Fellow awarded?

$92,000 for one 10-month academic year. Fellows are additionally funded $5,000 for research expenses.

Can the Hodder Fellow be awarded through their home institution?


Is a Hodder Fellow expected to teach?

No teaching is involved.

Do I need to reside on or near the Princeton University campus if awarded the Fellowship?


Must a Hodder Fellow be based in the U.S. during the fellowship?

Yes. A Hodder Fellow must be based in the U.S. during the Fellowship.

Do Fellows have access to offices and studios on campus?

Fellows have access to shared spaces on campus for the duration of their fellowship.

Can the Fellowship be used to fund work leading to an MFA, Ph.D. or any other advanced degree?


Is there a limit to how many times an applicant may apply for the Hodder Fellowship?

No. Applicants may apply for the Hodder Fellowship in each new application cycle.

After Applying

After I apply for the Hodder Fellowship, what are my next steps?

All applicants will be notified by the end of November regarding the status of their application. All award decisions will be announced during the academic spring semester.

If I receive a decision indicating that my application has been declined, can I apply again?

Yes. Unfortunately, the selection committee is unable to provide any feedback on declined applications.


For more information about fellowships at the Lewis Center for the Arts, please email lca-fellowships@princeton.edu.

Our Mission

Learn more about the Lewis Center in our Mission Statement and read our Climate & Inclusion Statement of Purpose, Principles, and Practices.

News Archive

Read news related to Fellowships and Fellows

Read a 2014 interview with past Lewis Center Chair Michael Cadden in NYFA Current. (Please note, some details about the Fellowships have changed; consult the FAQ for the most current information.)