Body and Language

In this studio course open to all, we will dive into experiences in which body and language meet. We’ll think about these from aesthetic, cultural, political, medical, personal, and philosophical perspectives. We’ll explore language from, in, around, and about (our) bodies. We’ll question hierarchies between body and language, use embodied approaches to examine pressing issues of our time. We’ll play with the physicality of voice and the material qualities of words and sentences. We’ll find literary structures in movement. We’ll move and create together with tools from dance, theater, visual art, improvisation, writing, and somatic practices.

Prerequisites and Restrictions

Application required. The deadline for all applications is April 9, 2024. If you miss the deadline, please fill out the application to be placed on the waiting list.

Apply for DAN 208

Other Information

This course is designed for all students, whether new to or experienced in dance, somatic, and/or art making practices. Studio time emphasizes embodied approaches to learning that offer new perspectives on a wide range of fields. Attendance in all classes and completion of all independent work required, including creative assignments, reading, writing, and final project.

Student Review of Body & Language

Philosophy with the body in it – My experience studying dance at Princeton | The Daily Princetonian, The Prospect — March 25, 2022




Thursdays, 1:30-4:20 PM


Aynsley Vandenbroucke