Democratizing Culture

Democratizing Culture will look at the initiatives by French cultural institutions to democratize culture and make their offerings more accessible to everyone. In recent years, major French cultural institutions have tried to engineer ways to attract a more socio-economically diverse audience to their halls, galleries, and venues. Encouraged by the Ministry of Culture, new projects have emerged in the world of theater, music, the opera, and museums. During spring break, we will travel to France to have a first-hand experience and assessment of these cultural policies and meet with government officials and arts institutions’ directors.

Prerequisites and Restrictions

Course by application. A 200-level French course or permission of instructor. Course conducted in French.

Other Information

The deadline to apply is November 21; admission decisions will be returned to applicants before course registration begins on November 28. Please email Kathy Varra, Undergraduate Administrator, at with any questions.

Apply for FRE 392 / THR 397




Wednesdays, 1:30-4:20 PM


Florent Masse