For those who have taken a 200 level film production course and want to pursue their interest in writing, shooting and editing digital media, whether through documentary, narrative or experimental films. After a short first assignment, each student will be free to follow their interest by producing either one long piece or various shorts. Some films will be watched outside of class via Blackboard, and some readings related to those films will be given out. This is a chance to increase your technical skills while deepening your understanding about the aesthetic, emotional and intellectual underpinnings of the films that you make.
Sample reading list:
Scott MacDonald, A Critical Cinema
Stephen Katz, Michael Wiese Productions, Directing the Film Shot by Shot
Ken Dancyger, The Technique of Film and Video Editing
Syd Field, Screenplay
Lyver and Swainson, Video Lighting
Stephen Dwoskin, Film Is
See instructor for complete list
Reading/Writing assignments:
Shooting or editing video. Students should be prepared to devote a considerable portion of their time to these skills. 5-10 pages of reading per week.
Prerequisites and Restrictions:
A 200 level film production course (261, 262, 263, etc). A solid knowledge about editing with Adobe Premiere editing software. For those who haven’t taken a 200 level course at Princeton, please contact Su Friedrich ( by email to inquire about your eligibility.
Other information:
GRADING: Attendance and prompt arrival: 10%; Meeting ongoing project deadlines: 25%; Quality of finished projects: 40%; Participation in class discussions and critiques: 15%; Outside work (reading texts, viewing videos): 10%