A script is only the beginning. Then come the interesting decisions: the actors, the visual style, and the sound design. In this class, each student will be given one segment of a script which they can interpret in any way they choose. Will your part be done as a film noir? A musical? Will it be shot in black and white? Acted in the nude? Reimagined as a documentary? At the end of the term, all the segments will be strung together to make a complete film–a surprising collage of everyone’s individual vision.
Sample reading list:
Alexander Mackendrick, On Film-Making: An Introduction to the Craft of a Director
Stephen Katz, Directing the Film Shot by Shot
Scott MacDonald, A Critical Cinema
Dave Viera and Maria Viera, Lighting for Film and Digital Photography
Timothy Corrgan and Patricia White, The Film Experience
Michel Chion, Film, A Sound Art
See instructor for complete list
Reading/Writing assignments:
5-15 pages of reading per week. Weekly work in writing, shooting and/or editing. 40-80 minutes of class each week viewing films outside of class via Blackboard.
Other Requirements:
Not Open to Freshmen.
Prerequisites and Restrictions:
Either VIS 261/262 (Intro) or VIS 263 (Documentary) or VIS 264 (Narrative) or VIS 362 (Intermediate) and self-sufficiency in film editing software, either Premiere CS6 or Final Cut 7.