Opera without the Singing: Fables, Fairy Tales and Narrated Musical Theater

The course will lead students toward the creation of a work of musical theater (for lack of a better term) which will run parallel to the collaboration of the two instructors of the course, Adam Gidwitz and Steven Mackey. Instrumental musical performers of any instrument, composers, writers, actors and others who feel they can contribute to a theatrical presentation are needed. The course will include introducing existing relevant works, the progress and process of the ongoing work of the instructors collaboration and of course facilitation of the student creations.

Prerequisites and Restrictions

Email Prof. Steve Mackey by April 9, 2024 for permission to enroll at steve@princeton.edu. The application consists of a description of the students experience in areas relevant or adjacent to the course: Music performance and composition, writing, acting, film making, dance etc. and a brief statement about the areas in which they can imagine contributing to the course.

Other Information

This course is open to all undergraduates. Experience in some area that might contribute to the creation and presentation of original work. This includes but is not limited to: Musical performance, music composition, creative writing, fairy tale expertise, film making, acting, puppetry, . . .use your imagination.




Mondays, 1:30-4:20 PM


Steve Mackey