Spring Film Seminar

This class concentrates on the editing process. Students will re-edit samples from narrative and documentary films and analyze the results. We will also critique ongoing edits of your own thesis films. Guest speakers will come to talk about rough-and fine-cut editing, sound design, and sound mixing. Editing is about shaping the story through image, dialogue, additional sound and music. No matter how well (or badly) a film is directed and shot, its final result depends profoundly on the artfulness of its editing. This course will give you a better understanding of how many ways there are to approach and solve the puzzle of editing a film.

Prerequisites and Restrictions

Open to VIS Certificate and Practice of Art Concentrators only. Previous experience with Adobe Premier Pro is required. Concentrators should contact Kristy Seymour, kseymour@princeton.edu, to enroll.




Mondays, 7:30-10:20 PM


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