
jhumpa lahiri in brown blazer leaning against stucco wall

Author Jhumpa Lahiri. Photo by Liana Miuccio

Translating Myself and Others is a collection of candid and disarmingly personal essays by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri, who reflects on her emerging identity as a translator as well as a writer in two languages. We invite you to a conversation between the author and her colleague at Princeton and fellow-translator, Sandra Bermann.

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This is a hybrid event held at the store and livestream via CrowdCast. Register for livestream

About Jhumpa Lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri teaches creative writing and literary translation at Princeton University, where she is director of the Program in Creative Writing. She is the author of, among many other celebrated books, Interpreter of Maladies, which won the Pulitzer Prize, and the editor of The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories. Her most recent book prior to Translating Myself and Others is a book of poems in Italian, Il Quaderno di Narina. Sandra Bermann is Professor of Comparative Literature at Princeton University. She is author of The Sonnet Over Time: Studies in the Sonnets of Petrarch, Shakespeare, and Baudelaire; translator of Manzoni’s On the Historical Novel; co-editor of Nation, Language, and the Ethics of Translation; and co-editor of A Companion to Translation Studies.

Presented By

  • Labyrinth Books
