Visual Arts Past Faculty
Dawn Clements

Dawn Clements was born in Woburn, Massachusetts. Her powerful use of Sumi ink and ballpoint pen on small to large-scale paper panels is her primary medium and scale. She often cuts and pastes paper together to edit and compose a completed drawing, adding paper as necessary to create the desired scale. Through her active process, which is almost performative, the paper becomes distressed with folds, wrinkles, and seams.
She describes her work as “a kind of visual diary of what [she] see[s], touch[es], and desire[s]. As I move between the mundane empirical spaces of my apartment and studio, and the glamorous fictions of movies, apparently seamless environments are disturbed through ever-shifting points of view.”
Clements’ work was exhibited in the Whitney Biennial 2010 and is included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art (NYC), Whitney Museum of American Art (NYC), The Tang Museum (Saratoga Springs, NY), The Deutsche Bank Collection, The Saatchi Collection (London), The Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington (Seattle, WA), and Colecção Madeira Corporate Services (Portugal).
Read a conversation between Clements and Visual Arts professor Eve Aschheim at The Brooklyn Rail ...