
Jonathan Sweeney

Jonathan Sweeney headshot

Photo by Frank Wojciechowski


Jonathan joined the Lewis Center for the Arts in 2019 as the Web & Multimedia Strategist where he’s responsible for managing the website and creating multimedia content for the center’s social media and digital presence.

Prior to coming to the Lewis Center for the Arts, he spent the last two decades of his career creating and managing digital content for news organizations, non-profits, and newspapers. Most recently he was the multimedia director at Natural Resources Defense Council, a senior producer at NBC News and the digital news director for the Indianapolis Star.

Jonathan graduated from Indiana University with a journalism major and business minor. Born and raised in Indiana, he’s now a proud resident of New Jersey where he lives in Cranford with his wife, three sons, two dogs and a goldfish.

Campus Address

Arts Tower, N504
Lewis Arts complex
122 Alexander Street

Campus Phone

(609) 258-8431

Email Address