Sculpture I

This class will be a studio introduction to sculpture, with particular emphasis on the study of how form, space, and a wide variety of materials and processes influence the visual properties of sculpture and the making of meaning. A balance of indoor, outdoor, and/or transient assignments will lead to the development of an understanding of contemporary sculpture, as well as basic technical facility with found objects, common materials, natural earthworks, ergonomics, and three-dimensional design.


In the News

‘My art is a reflection of my internal state’: Reflections on exploring sculpture at Princeton | The Daily Princetonian — The Prospect, February 20, 2022

“‘What is a box?’: Confluence, communication, and Schrödinger’s Cat in Introduction to Sculpture” | The Daily Princetonian — The Prospect, March 31, 2022


U01 — Joe Scanlan

Fridays, 10:30 AM-12:20 PM
and 1:30-3:20 PM

U02 — Amy Yao

Wednesdays, 12:30-4:20 PM


Amy Yao

Joe Scanlan