Advanced Fiction

Advanced practice in the original composition of fiction for discussion in regularly scheduled workshop meetings. The curriculum allows the student to develop writing skills, provides an introduction to the possibilities of contemporary literature and offers perspective on the place of literature among the liberal arts. Criticism by practicing writers and talented peers encourages the student’s growth as both creator and reader of literature. Application required.


Section 1 with Professor Aleksandar Hemon:
The class will focus on editing as a fundamental generative and creative strategy in narration. Students will consider literary texts to understand what role editing plays in organizing meaning, and watch films in order to explore the dialectic of editing. The workshop will be used to edit in a group context. The work submitted must be in advanced development, preferably already workshopped.




C01 - Aleksandar Hemon

Tuesday, 7:30 - 9:50 pm

C02 - Yiyun Li

Monday, 9:00 - 10:50 am