Documentary Filmmaking

This course introduces students to documentary film production using digital video, with an emphasis on the practical challenges of working in the real world. While students learn the traditional methods of production, they are also encouraged to range widely in their thinking about how to document daily life. Production of videos will be augmented by screenings, readings, and visiting filmmakers.

Sample reading list:
Charles Warren, Beyond Document
Gabriella Oldham, First Cuts: Conversations with Film Editors
Alexander Mackendrick, On Film-making: An Introduction to the Craft of Director
Scott MacDonald, A Critical Cinema
Michael Rabiger, Directing the Documentary
Robert Coles, Doing Documentary Work
See instructor for complete list

Reading/Writing assignments:
5-15 pages of reading per week. Three short films. 60-80 minutes per week of viewing films outside of class. A few short writing assignments.



S01 - Su Friedrich

Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:40 pm
and Thursdays 1:30 - 4:20 pm


Su Friedrich