This studio course introduces students to graphic design with a particular emphasis on typography. Students learn typographic history through lectures that highlight major shifts in print technologies and through their engagement in studio design projects. Class readings provide the raw material for hot metal typesetting in the letterpress print shop, photo-typesetting in the mechanical paste-up studio, and state of the art typesetting and design software in the digital computer lab. Overall, the workshop synthesizes hands-on graphic design skills with aesthetic awareness and a critical vocabulary.
Sample reading list:
Oliver Sacks, A Man of Letters
Robin Kinross, Modern Typography
Beatrice Ward, The Crystal Goblet
Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, The New Typography
Herbert Bayer, On Typography
Paul Elliman, My Typographies
Reading/Writing assignments:
This semester will be divided into three parts, each entailing a series of simple mechanical exercises involving students reading and then typesetting parts of what they have read.