This composition course applies the method of sketching — a common practice in the visual arts — to contemporary performance making. Following a guided warm up, students will create and perform a piece in each class. Work is discussed with the aim of uncovering each student’s individual artistic voice. Basic approaches to composition, material generation, and scoring will be introduced and practiced. Activities will be centered on the body and movement, as well as on relationships to sound, light, text, prop and architecture. Focus will be on avoiding the familiar and moving towards raw, unpolished creative output.
Sample reading list:
Anne Bogart, A Director Prepares
Jonathan Burrows, A Choreographer’s Handbook
Stephen Nachmanovitch, Free Play. Improvisation in Life and Art
Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods, Are We Here Yet
See instructor for complete list
Reading/Writing assignments:
Students will complete a project each week. Brief readings and viewings will be assigned throughout the semester.
Other Requirements:
Not open to Freshmen.
Other information:
This course is open to all students who have completed at least one Lewis Center course in either dance or theater. Students who have completed a performance-based visual arts class may also enroll. For permission, please e-mail Prof. Susan Marshall ( and Cindy Rosenfeld ( and list your previous course or courses. E-mail subject should be Idea, Concept, Context.