Comedic ensemble Baby Wants Candy presents a live table read of Backwater, an original TV comedy, developed in collaboration with Princeton students through a Princeton Atelier course. Backwater is a supernatural satire loosely inspired by the Amazon HQ2 search and similar “corporate sweepstakes.” When a foreign tech conglomerate announces a competition to host a new $200 million facility, the residents of a remote Michigan town tear themselves apart trying to win… and end up becoming pawns in a sinister paranormal conspiracy.
This live performance will feature virtual appearances by actors from Los Angeles and New York, including Ellie Kemper ’02 (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, The Office). It will be followed by an in-person Q&A with the creators.
Backwater is produced by Albert Samuels and written by Tommy Dewey ’01 and Scott Eckert ’03.
Tickets + Details
The event is free and open to Princeton students, faculty and staff; tickets are required through University Ticketing. To reserve a seat, log-in with Princeton net ID to the University Ticketing website, then select your tickets.
COVID-19 Guidance + Updates
Per Princeton University policy, all guests are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to wear a mask when indoors.
Visit our Venues and Studios section for accessibility information at our various locations. The event space is wheelchair accessible. Attendees in need of access accommodations are invited to contact the Lewis Center at 609-258-5262 or email at least one week in advance of the event date.