

Legacy of Light by Karen Zacarías

March 19 - April 6

Theater & Music Theater

Act 3 of Vanya by Simon Stephens

March 20

Theater & Music Theater

DrKheal2: One Big Thing

March 21

Theater & Music Theater

2025 María Irene Fornés Institute Symposium

March 22

A Life Worth Living, a new musical by Jeffery Chen ’25


A Life Worth Living is a new dramatic-comedy musical that follows Gavin, a depressed teenager involuntarily sent to a residential mental health treatment facility. Using music and comedy, the show focuses on topics of platonic love, mental health, and suicide, while exploring themes of grief, acceptance, and radical hope. Talkback with Dr. Calvin R. Chin, Princeton's Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, follows 11/9 performance. Free tickets required.

Theater & Music Theater
Wallace Theater, Lewis Arts complex

Princeton Triangle Show: Pageant Pending

Back for its 134th year, the Princeton Triangle Club premieres a brand-new Triangle Show: Pageant Pending! Welcome to America’s Most Wanted, the biggest pageant event in all 50 states. The lights are blinding, the competition is cutthroat, and the interview questions must be answered in twenty seconds or less. Dreams, schemes, and ripped seams are all exposed under a merciless spotlight in this new musical comedy about a series of sash decisions!

Matthews Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center