
Princeton Triangle Club presents Ship Happens: A Cruisical!

Climb aboard the SS Giznee Fairytale, a cruise with all of the amenities - buffets, shuffleboard, and even magic? While other passengers enjoy their luxurious journey, twins Isla and Lindsay venture below decks, only to be swept away in a current of schemes and whimsy. Come find out more at the swashbuckling, high-kicking, shipshow that is Ship Happens: A Cruisical. Directed by Marc Tumminelli, choreographed by Katelin Zelon, and music directed by Pete Mills.

Matthews Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center

RAH RAH Arts Magazine: Submission Deadline

Rah Rah visual arts magazine, a student-run arts magazine on the Princeton campus, is calling for art submissions for their 3rd issue. Submissions due May 30.

Visual Arts

Dance Placement Class

Students of all class years who are interested in performing in the Princeton Dance Festival (November 22-24, 2024) through the fall course DAN 328 must attend Placement Class.

Hearst Dance Theater, Lewis Arts complex