Embark on the story of Mercedes Viñales, the grandmother of artist and Princeton Hodder Fellow Modesto Flako Jimenez, whose immigration journey to America and descent into dementia presents a powerful story of caregiving, love, loss, and resilience. The VR experience––one part of an expansive multi-format work––immerses its viewer in a multisensory medium with a poetic, visually stunning recreation of Mercedes’ Bushwick home. Mercedes VR unlocks the capacity of this technology to amplify community outreach, spread the word about mental healthcare resources for those struggling with similar circumstances, and captivate all audiences with a poignant story of matriarchal influence and multigenerational care.
Mercedes is a multidisciplinary experience inspired by Modesto ‘Flako’ Jimenez’s grandmother Mercedes. After immigrating to America as a kid, Flako was raised by his grandmother in Bushwick, Brooklyn. As an adult, he served as her main caregiver as she battled dementia. In the process of taking care of his “mama,” he uncovered years of letters, receipts, and papers that documented her impact on the Latine community. Mercedes includes a visual exhibition, a documentary, and a theatrical performance that honors the legacy of Latine individuals Mercedes helped migrate to the country. Mercedes is a multidisciplinary experience that explores our relationship to the matriarchy and our ancestors, familial bonds and inherited trauma, and how our own identity can impact our mental health.