This class series is divided into three units: The Moving Artist: Preparing the Body; World in Motion: Movement Analysis; Embodied Play: Dramatic Applications. Led by Yuval Boim on select Mondays throughout the fall semester.
Join a Class
These classes are free and open to Princeton students. Just drop-in; no reservations necessary.
Class Schedule
- September 13 + 27
- October 4 + 25
- November 1, 8, 15 + 29
- December 6
Guests in need of access accommodations are asked to contact the Lewis Center at 609-258-5262 or email at least one week in advance of the event date.
COVID-19 Guidance + Updates
Per Princeton University policy, all guests are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to wear a mask when indoors; currently children under 12 are not permitted in campus buildings as they are not currently able to be vaccinated.