
In a continuation of the Radio Live series, Aurélie Charon and Amélie Bonnin join forces with cinematographer Mila Turajlić to initiate a new cycle in this unprecedented collective and international project which engages young people from all over the world in a long-term dialogue. In this new iteration of Radio Live – La relève, Aurélie Charon and Amélie Bonnin present a portrait of Sumeet Samos from New Delhi, India.

Since 2013, Radio Live has been furthering the encounters and friendships woven by Aurélie Charon and Caroline Gilet over the course of their various radio documentary series for France Culture and France Inter. The result is a show of sounds, images, and dialogue between youth from here and elsewhere, all of whom are full of questions about identity and political engagement. Radio live – La relève picks up on this dialogue that was started between Ines, Yannick and Amir, none of whom are content with the state of the world as it is today. The team set off to film in their home countries of Sarajevo, Kigali and New Delhi, and returns to the stage with a host of faces and landscapes which tell their own story and raise many questions. This is a new generation taking center stage: each ‘historical’ participant becomes the patron of a fifteen-year-old youth from their country. Using a mix of filmed images and spontaneous speech and accompanied by the musician Emma Prat, Radio live – La relève is written live and takes the form of two different stage formats: individual portraits and three-way, interwoven vocal accounts.

The show is performed in English. Duration: 1 hour, 10 minutes.

Video Trailer

Tickets & Details

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symbol for wheelchair accessibilityThe Wallace Theater is an accessible venue. The show is performed in English.

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Photos from Radio Live


Production Credits

Concept, Image Creation and Stage Design, Aurélie Charon, Amélie Bonnin
With Sumeet Samos
Live music: Emma Prat
Images: Thibault de Chateauvieux
Video: Céline Ducreux
Stage Design: Alix Boillot
Stage Management & Lighting Design: Thomas Cottereau
Sound and video Director: Claire Mahieux
Encounters made during the radio documentary series and journeys of Aurélie Charon, and Caroline Gillet
Produced by Mathilde Gamon – a Radio Live production

Coproduction: Festival d’Automne à Paris

Support: Fondation d’entreprise Hermès as part of its New Settings Program

Presented By

  • Lewis Center for the Arts
  • L’Avant-Scène
