Theater & Music Theater Courses

Theater & Music Theater

Introductory Playwriting

THR 205 · Fall 2015

S01 · Tuesdays, 1:30 - 3:20 p.m. Thursdays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. 185 Nassau St., Rm. 206

Instructors: Robert N. Sandberg

This is a workshop in the fundamentals of writing plays.

French Theater Workshop

FRE 211 / THR 211 · Fall 2015

C01 · Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:00 - 4:20 pm

Instructors: Florent Masse

L'Avant-Scène will offer students the opportunity to put their language skills in motion by discovering French theater in general and by acting in French, in particular.

Intermediate Studies in Acting: Scene Study II

THR 301 · Fall 2015

C01 · Tuesdays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. Thursdays, 1:30 - 3:20 pm. New South Building, Rm. 110

Instructors: Mark Nelson

A continuation of THR 201: Guide students in ways to develop a role and to explore important texts and characters in an imaginative and honest manner.

playing against type

Playing Against Type

THR 308 / GSS 304 / LAO 308 · Fall 2015

S01 · Wednesdays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. 185 Nassau St., Rm. 207

Instructors: Brian Herrera

This workshop course for actors, directors and scholars rehearses how to play with and against "type" in performance.

The Arts of Urban Transition

DAN 310 / ARC 380 / THR 323 / URB 310 · Fall 2015

S01 · Fridays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. 185 Nassau St., Rm. 207

Instructors: Aaron Landsman · Aaron Shkuda · Judith Hamera

This interdisciplinary course uses texts and methods from history, theatre, and dance to examine artists and works of art as agents of change in New York (1960-present) and contemporary Detroit.

Queer Boyhoods

GSS 316 / THR 358 / AMS 366 · Fall 2015

S01 · Mondays & Wednesdays 11 am - 12:20 pm

Instructors: Brian Herrera

This course examines enactments of youthful masculinity in U.S. popular performance with a particular eye toward accounts of variant or queer boyhoods.

sound board

Sound Design

THR 320 · Fall 2015

S01 · Mondays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m.

Instructors: Robert Kaplowitz

An opportunity to explore what theatrical sound design is, how to look at a text from the point of view of sound, how to launch your creative process, and how to take the ideas based on that creative process and turn them into sounds to be used in a show.

Introduction to Musical Theater Writing

THR 322 / MUS 381 · Fall 2015

S01 · Wednesdays, 12:30 - 4:20 p.m. Woolworth, Rm. 105

Instructors: Randall Eng · Robert Lee · Stacy Wolf

This workshop will introduce students to the craft of writing words and music for the musical theatre. In addition to weekly and in-class practical assignments in technique and skill-building, the course will explore key moments in musical theatre history, criticism and to place students’ work in a larger context.

Special Topics in Performance History and Theory: Brecht and Contemporary British Theater

THR 331 / COM 311 / ENG 398 · Fall 2015

S01 · Thursdays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. 185 Nassau Street, Rm. 207

Instructors: Michael Cadden

The first half of this course will look at both plays and the theatrical ideas and practices of Bertolt Brecht, one of the most important dramatists and theater thinkers of the twentieth century. The second half of the course will look at how Brecht's work has shaped some representative British theatrical institutions from 1956 until the present.

multi-skilled performer

Development of the Multi-Skilled Performer

THR 335 / MUS 303 · Fall 2015

S01 · Mondays, 12:30 - 4:20 p.m. Berlind Theater, Rm. 002

Instructors: John Doyle

This is a workshop based class for those interested in multi-skilled performance and in how performance skills can illuminate new forms of theatre making.

Advanced Theatrical Design

THR 400 / VIS 400 · Fall 2015

C01 · Wednesdays, 12:30 - 4:20 p.m. Berlind Theater, Room 002

Instructors: Jane Cox · Anya Klepikov

The course is designed to endow students with practical skills that will enable them to design a production, and to support them in making technical decisions as well as in collaborating with the rest of the creative team.

Directing Workshop

THR 411 · Fall 2015

C01 · Tuesdays, 12:30 - 2:20 pm. Fridays, 12:30 -3:20 p.m. Berlind Theater, Rm. 002

Instructors: Tim Vasen

Special directing assignments will be made for each student, whose work will be analyzed by the instructor and other members of the workshop.


Notes on Color

VIS 441 / CWR 441 / THR 441 · Fall 2015

S01 · Wednesdays, 1:30 - 4:20 p.m. 185 Nassau St., Rm. 219

Instructors: James Welling

This seminar will explore the idea of color through a wide range of scientific, philosophical and aesthetic theories.

The Fall Show

THR 451 · Fall 2015

S01 · Fridays, 12:30 - 4:20 p.m. New South Building, Rm. 110

Instructors: Alexandru Mihail

The Fall Show provides students with a rigorous and challenging experience of creating theater under near-professional circumstances.