Music Theater Courses

Music Theater

course flyer

Introduction to Art Making

LCA 101 · Spring 2017

C01 · Mondays & Wednesdays, 11:00 am - 12:20 pm

Instructors: Aynsley Vandenbroucke · Boris Fishman · Daniel Heyman · Jane Cox · Ruth Ochs · Stacy Wolf · Susan Wheeler

How do artists make art? How do we evaluate it? In this course, students of all levels get to experience firsthand the particular challenges and rewards of art making through practical engagement with five fields — creative writing, visual art, theater, dance, and music — under the guidance of professionals.

The Opera

MUS 220 / MTD 220 · Spring 2017

Multiple sections offered

Instructors: Wendy Heller

The course provides a survey of opera from its inception in the 17th-century to the present, considering such issues as opera's relationship to its cultural context, contemporary stagings, opera conventions and singers (including the castrato), opera and literature, exoticism, and opera's representation of gender and sexuality.


Acting and Directing in Musical Theater

MTD 341 / THR 341 · Spring 2017

S01 · Mondays, 1:30 - 4:20 pm

Instructors: John Rando

A practical hands-on introduction to acting and directing in musical theater. The course will require students to prepare songs and scenes from selected musicals with an eye to how best to approach the particular challenges the scene presents.

Theater Making Studio

THR 402 / MTD 402 · Spring 2017

C01 · Mondays, 1:30 - 4:20 pm

Instructors: John Doyle

This course explores theories and practices in contemporary theater making, and will be a workshop of ideas for committed theater students. We will examine questions such as: what are the differences between process and product, what is collaboration, where does the audience fit in to the creative journey.

Theater Rehearsal and Performance

THR 451 / MTD 451 · Spring 2017

S01 · Fridays, 12:30 - 4:20 pm

Instructors: Ethan Heard

This course provides students with a rigorous and challenging experience of creating theater under near-professional circumstances.